
Supported by technology, treatments and diagnostics are continuously improving. By performing complex tasks previously associated to expert physicians, but in less time and at a fraction of the cost, Artificial intelligence simplifies the lives of patients, doctors and hospital administrators. Additionally, AI also has the potential to execute complex tasks such as drug discovery or patient journey optimisation.

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What can AI do?

  • Invoice anomaly detection
  • Patient journey optimisation
  • Drug discovery
  • Drugs production chain automation
  • Quality control
Let's find out together

Success stories



The billing process in hospitals is very complex, which leads to unspotted billing errors. Our AI solution scans all the medical prestations in real time and alerts if abnormal patterns happen. An ergonomic interface allows to drill down to find the causes of the errors quickly and efficiently. Since its deployment, our solution pointed out more than 80% of invoicing errors.


Of invoincing errors detected



AI-based industrial control offer performance increases of almost 30% compared to traditional control systems.  In addition, AI based systems continuously learn and improve over time.


Quality improvement



Custom ortheses need to be created on the basis of precise measurements of the anatomical position in which the limb needs to be maintained in. Ideally, these measurements would be created by scanning the limb in the right position, but for practical reasons, the limb must often be scanned in other positions, not ideal for taking measurements.

Artificial intelligence makes it possible to reposition the limb in an anatomically correct way, with a precision impossible to achieve previously.

Thanks to artificial intelligence, patients benefit from prostheses more adapted to their anatomy in record time, and at a lower cost.





AI-based industrial control offer performance increases of almost 30% compared to traditional control systems.  In addition, AI based systems continuously learn and improve over time.


Featured cases

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