Test - Streamlining Success: Optimizing Retail Operations

Explore how XYZ Retail, a frontrunner in innovative logistics solutions, streamlined its operations by implementing advanced automation.

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Jan De Nul is a company specializing in building complex maritime infrastructures such as offshore energy production stations, preservation of waterway depths projects, construction of ports, etc. Its logistics department is constantly busy transporting materials and spare parts internationally. This creates a lot of additional administrative tasks. One of these tasks is that every shipped package needs to receive a specific Harmonised System (HS) code that determines its taxation rate. The attribution of these customs codes is a very complex task since the codes not only depend on the product type, but also on the country the package is imported into.

Since there are fine nuances between customs codes, choosing the right code for a specific product is complex, and any mistake has an important impact. Mistakes could result in paying an overpriced tax, a regularization fine, or blocked packages at customs, which is especially problematic due to extended delays for customers.

Because of the complexity of the task, finding the right custom code requires the collaboration of an international customs officer and local customs agents. 

To avoid money and time losses, Jan De Nul was looking for an efficient solution to identify the right customs codes for its shipped goods.


The power of deep learning algorithms

To overcome this drawback, we developed a deep learning algorithm that can automatically extract and structure all the data contained in invoices, receipts, and other semi-structured documents, without the need for templates! Our unique model uses a combination of NLP and computer vision to understand the document semantically, but also spatially, like a human would. You can get more info on this product on our dedicated website Skwiz.

Other applications of this solution

In addition to the potential optimizations in administrative processes, this capability can also be used to automatically find the relevant information of your future client from a picture of its current bills and facilitate onboarding, automatically fill up the payment data from the picture of an invoice, ... the possibilities are exciting and numerous!

You can now automatically extract data from semi-structured documents without the need for templates, and with the best rate of accurate detection on the market.


Our solution was able to process any texts, images, or both, and automatically attribute codes or labels to the presented data element.

It brought an efficient way of managing customs codes by attributing the codes faster, but also more accurately than the control dataset.

It also reduced helped reduce costs, and prevent the company from fines.

Hear from the client

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.

John Doe
CEO at Lorem




of incoming emails seamlessly processed



of employees time is now redirected towards high-value tasks



With the emails automatic processing, the response times is reduced by 70%

Our Footprint in the Financial Services Industry

M Documents
Process annually
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Including banks & insurers

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